Saturday, October 28, 2006

And then?!!

Sample Song: Wang Yi Jui - You Are Far

"And then?!!" is the indepedent compilation album created by 22 Tainan National University of the Arts (Music Department) graduating students (their graduation piece). The album name, "And then?!!" refers to the students' mood while creating the album-what will life be like when they graduate? Especially during a period with high unemployment rate where finding a job is very uncertain (I love how the album cover conveys their feelings). Surprisingly, while creating this album (which took a year), the artists' intention is also to embrace and remember their present images/lives. The seven songs on the album are "brave, original, pure, and simple creations." It is their dream coming true.

And the music? I love love love it. It's got the great, Taiwan indie music's cuteness, but it's also very relaxing & quiet. "And then?!!" is becoming one of my favorite compilation albums just because of the beauty in its simplicity. Good luck Tainan students - I hope you will keep on embracing life, creating your own melodies, and "embracing everyday's magnificent sunlight."

Sample Song: Shui Jiu Jue - 楼梯口 (Staircase Entrance)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a really nice song and like you say not too far away from other Taiwan indie stuff like Dolly's pillbox.

Thanks for the info as my Chinese reading ability isn't good enough to read that Wretch blog.