Saturday, February 25, 2006

Natural Q Single

During the past few days, my family is sort of moving to our new house (we weren't going to move until March, but me burning my breakfast & creating smoke clouds in our old house about a week ago sped up the process *_^). Thus, I probably won't have much internet access during the next week or two. Please bear with my infrequent updates & short posts hehe :o)

Well, a couple of days ago, William replied in my journal and told me that Natural Q just broke up *_* I'm so sad... To honor their awesomeness and creativity in their always fun/funky indie pop music, here's a Natural Q single, made especially for their label agoodday, "putting music into life" and singing about life.

Farewell Natural Q, I will always love you Chico and Waa!

风和日丽 single (A Good Day)
1. 天气晴 (The Wheather is Clear)
2. 下雨了 (It's Raining)

1 comment:

helikoppter said...

I like the pic :p

Thanks for the single! ^_^