ACO - Kittenish Love

Sample Song: Kittenish Love
ACO is one of Japan's most talented musicians. Her music range from catchy R&B/soul music (earlier/this album) to electronica-pop to crazily experimental Bjork-like songs. I never know what to expect from her new albums. *_^ "Kittenish Love," ACO's debut album released in 1996, is one of my favorite ACO albums. It takes R&B/pop/jazz music to another level - every song on this album is unique & pretty in its own way ^_^
Nakatani Miki - Cure

Sample Song: corpo e alma
Most of you probably know Miki as an actress (or not --> me :P). Truthfully, I've not heard any song by her before I bought this album. So why did I get this album? All of the songs on this album is written & produced by Ryuichi Sakamoto! After I listened to the whole album, guess who Miki sounds a little like? Miu Sakamoto! (Ryuichi's daughter, whom he too writes music for, and whom I worship) Anyway, "Cure" is Miki's second album released in 1997. It's basically nice & relaxing pop music. Me like ^_^
bird - bird

Sample Song: 空の瞳
I first got interested in bird's music when I heard her on one of Mondo Grosso (Osawa Shinichi)'s albums. bird makes catchy dance/club music with a touch of jazz. She's great. "bird," bird's debut album released in 1999, is produced & written by Osawa Shinichi. Awesome album. I love her voice.
I love Bird and Aco. Aco's "Material" album is very good.
Great work.Really appreciable!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks a lot.
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