Hi everyone - I'm back! I took the last of my AP exams yesterday woohoo!!!! ^_^ AP Lit, Comp, Calc BC, Psych, and even Bio went well. However, Physics was torture *_* Half of the time I didn't know what I was doing *_**_**_*
But it's all over now! Aside from 4 major school projects and a couple of books to read (lol why do teachers still give us so much work after AP tests *_^), I'm... free! And wow, these two months must be great album releasing time, since so many good albums just came out......I shall be bankrupt by the end of this week..........
One of the albums that I've ordered is a Korean compilation album (with a few Japanese artists) called "CRACKER." It seems like Cracker is a Korean comic soundtrack. I wish I could understand/read the comic, since wow, almost all of the artists on this album are my favorites. Also, the ones I don't know are great new discoveries. The beautiful thing about this album is that most songs on it is new! For example, songs by Swinging Popsicle, Oldfish, Misty Blue, Bluedawn, Tearliner, Jelly Boy, etc. are songs that I've never heard before. Awesome songs. Overall, this is a wonderfully mellow & relaxing indie/alt. compilation - definitely one of my favorite compilation albums. This is not something to miss. ^_^
Since I've already mentioned some of the artists on this compilation in my previous posts, here are some of the other great artists (some are all-time favorites & others are newly discoveries) ^_^ Ooh, by the way, all of these artists (if I'm not mistaken) are from/related with the Korean music label Pastel Music. Pastel Music is an awesome label! Check out their site for some sample music ^_^

Sample Song: Bluedawn - Tabula Rasa
Bluedawn is one of my favorite Korean indie folk bands. And holy cow, Tabula Rasa has just became my current favorite Bluedawn song. ^_^

Sample Song: 소행성 B612
Alongside with Bluedawn & on the top of my Korean favorites is Tearliner (both thanks to noodz-shi!) Tearliner is such a versatile band - in their debut album "Little Room, Diary," Tearliner incorporates so many different elements of music (mellow electronics mixed with slow rock or upbeat & indie rock). I love it. I also love the lead singer's soothing, lazy voice *_^

A new discovery! "A spring day" is a really nice & relaxing piano song with cute vocals. I'm definitely looking forward to Donawhale's future works ^_^
Sample Song: Belle Epoque - May
I couldn't find a picture/site/info on Belle Epoque (they must be relatively new?), but this is also a really nice song with pretty acoustic guitar melodies + vocal ^_^
Welcome back Philly! Glad to hear you did well on your tests (well...except for physics...but 5 out of 6 is pretty awesome...I only took 3 AP tests when I was in high school).
I'm on a Mavis Fan kick right now, thanks to your introduction (...listening to "Bartender Angel" right now).
Anyway, looking forward to more of your musical discoveries! We missed you!
Welcome back! :D That compilation album looks super dreamy!
@makzhou - thank you! I will forget about everything I learned (or did I?) *_^ If for some reason you wasn't able to get this album, let me know :o) Yes, I love Bluedawn too! Some of their songs are like Mazzy Star, and others are more mellow indie folk rock-ish songs. They're awesome ^_^ You should definitely get to know the other artists on this album, especially Misty Blue, Tearliner, Swinging Popsicle, Oldfish, Small Acacia Band, Love & Pop, Mondialito... (oops, did I list them all?) You will be delightfully surprised.
@duriandave - thanks David! Hehe, so you're getting into Mavis Fan's earlier, cuter stuff huh? Fun fun fun :) I missed everyone too!
@lemongalaxy - welcome back to you too! Now I can just fly to Canada to steal your albums (whee! It's so much more closer then Japan ha) Yes, Cracker is dreamy & relaxing. You should listen to it soon ^o^
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