Friday, December 02, 2005


at17's new album "变变变" (change change change) is out out out!!! ^_^ When I first listened to the album (I was tired & had a cold) I was definitely a bit disappointed. However, listening to it again (no cold anymore!) and I'm starting to really like it ^_^ This 3rd album kept the electronic/acoustic charm of the first two albums, it also has a really nice English song called "I'd go back" (last track) and 2 mandarin versions of 2 of my favorite songs! I'm glad at17 is still making quality indie-pop music in HK! Yay ^_^

Sample Song: 冲冲冲 (sprint sprint sprint)

Blasting this at top volume feels awesome :o)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the dl, philly! I like this album though I've only listened to it once so far. Some of the songs were from their previous albums. I like the last track the most.

漪漪 said...

Yes - track 11 & 12 are mandarin versions of their previous cantonese songs (good for me ^_^). and I love the last track too :o)