Mr. Zhou mentioned a few days ago about a new Guangzhou singer - Mongo So - who is the first mainland artist to release her debut album under Creative Commons. That is awesome! It's even more awesome that her music is super cute too ^_^ I rarely hear cute, light, and funny indie songs coming from mainland, but Mongo So reminds me of funky Taiwan/HK indie artists, and her voice reminds me of Huang Hsiao Chen a bit. Another unique thing about Mongo So's sound is that her songs are very diverse - I hear indie pop, bossa, electronic, reggae... all mixed into cute, light happy songs.
Go check her music out! Her album is available for download under CC at the imagine corp website ^_^
Another thing: I got a radio blog yay! Been meaning to get one for awhile, but didn't have time to find a good free host until this week. Most of the songs on there are songs that I'm currently listening to ^_^ I hope you guys/girls will enjoy it :o)

Sample Song (from the Imagine Corp site): P. Yo Bunny
Hi 周先生 :P
我觉得叫你Mr. Zhou很好,因为我很respect你总是跟大家推荐好听的日本/中国indie music. 谢谢!
我也很高兴你是我的neighbor-张悬都是你介绍的. 哈哈哈我想我现在的英语应该比中文更强了*_^我已经住在美国快八年了,有时夏天才回武汉.
谢谢你读我的blog. Wa, pressure...你知道的比我多多了 :o) 请多指导!
太好了! 来美国的哪里?要不要我陪你到disney land去玩? :P
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