Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Every now and then, I need a dose of happy pop/electronic music (aka the wonderfulness of shibuya-kei artists). This week especially - since I am taking finals and am stressing out, dreading how bad I failed the tests that I took and am going to fail the tests I will take tomorrow *_* As a grade A procrastinator (yay go me go!), I am slacking again and listening to COPTER4016882 right now ^_^

COPTER4016882 is amongst my many shibuya-kei favorites. Their sound (happy upbeat electronic goodness) resembles capsule (same label too haha) - another personal favorite. If you like shibuya-kei music in general or just enjoy different, happy & funky music, you will enjoy Ukai, Mikiko, and Miwa's music!

Sample Song: ガール ザ ジャップ (The Japanese Girl)

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